Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Snow day!

Being unemployed means I have no struggle getting to work, so a snow day is just another day at home, cuddled in flannel and trying to stay warm without having to stay fashionable.

My problem with staying in all the time is access to food!  I'm feeling truly hungry on a regular basis and have the ability to walk down the stairs to the pantry whenever I get the urge. 

There are a couple of things that help me when I get this way (though they aren't surefire):
  • Drink really cold water by the liter.  I fill up on this and slosh my way around the house!
  • Instead of going to the fridge/pantry, detour to the Wii and be active!
  • Make sure the fruit & veggie bins are filled so I don't snack on sugary stuff.
That's about all I have right now, but I would love to hear what you have to share, so feel free to post a comment!

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